Monday, June 25, 2007

CCTV ANTS Documentary June 28

Amy Mertl, my lovely labmate, in addition to being a fabulous myrmecologist, is also a fabulous filmmaker. She teaches a class at Cambridge Community Television and as a class project she convinced her newbies to make a short documentary about ants. Sweet! That documentary -- appropriately entitled ANTS -- will be premiering at CCTV June 28th at 7pm. If you are in the area, you are invited. If not, it will be available online and on CCTV later (details to follow). I haven't seen it but I know that there are interviews with Stefan Cover, Corrie Saux Moreau, Mario Muscedere, James McLurkin, Meghan Frederickson, and Kari Ryder Wilkie. I'm so nervous!

1 comment:

  1. So, what was the result? I live in Southern CA so there was no way I could see this. :(
