Saturday, February 21, 2009

Rod Page talks taxonomy

If I lived in London, this is what I would be doing on March 17th:

Rod Page, Professor of Taxonomy at Glasgow University will be giving two talks in London about taxonomy on March 17th. These will be at the Natural History Museum and later at the British Library. Details as follows:

"Going digital: what's in it for taxonomy and taxonomists?"
Flett Theatre, NHM from 11-12.30, refreshments from 10.30.

"What's in a name: Taxonomy in Crisis"
British Library, 18-20.30.

Via Vince Smith's blog


  1. I remember Vince making that flyer last week, turned out well (although I may still prefer the white background one).

    I still need to send youa DVD of that ant programme - been a bit busy!

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