Monday, November 26, 2007

Identifying Pheidole

Have a bunch of Pheidole that need identifying and don't know what to do? Here are a couple of resources:

Pheidole Working Group (John Longino)
Pheidole of Costa Rica (John Longino)
Pheidole of Tiputini (Amy Mertl)
Pheidole of Africa (Brian Taylor)
Pheidole of Egypt (Brian Taylor)
Pheidole of Iran (Brian Taylor)
MCZ Type Database of Pheidole
Pheidole of Mississippi and Alabama
Pheidole of Japan
Pheidole of Borneo

Many of these keys are works in progress, so if you use them and find some problems with them, most folks are happy to get feedback about their keys.


  1. You might forget Katsuyuki Eguchi's revision of Pheidole in Borneo:
